Choosing The Right Food

One of the most important decisions you will make as a dog owner, is what food and treats to offer your pet. Be sure to check with your veterinarian on their recommendations. It’s also important to do your own research on what other people are saying about certain dog foods. It is important to monitor your dogs’ kCal Caloric intake versus their activity level and weight and age; so, your dog is fed the appropriate level. As a pet owner it is your responsibility to control the amount and quality of the food you feed your dog, and to keep your dog at an appropriate weight. Do not overfeed your pet as it can lead to obesity and poor health.


We suggest limiting the number of treats your dog is offered. When choosing dog treats, look for high-quality, natural ingredient options. Some products labeled “treats” may not be safe or appropriate for dogs. Research dog treats online. Plant-based treats with a limited number of ingredients are very good. Avoid products that contain multiple preservatives or have a high sodium content. Look for treats made of whole foods, natural ingredients such as; blueberries, pumpkin, oatmeal, molasses and peanut butter. If a package doesn’t give ingredient information, email the manufacturer.
If you choose to give your dog table food as a treat, make sure it is wholesome and doesn’t contain excessive grease, salt or sugar.


Read food labels and look for foods that contain a minimal number of ingredients. Try to avoid blends that mix several different types of meat or proteins. Research online to see what other dog owners are saying about a product. A good rule of thumb when considering dog food is: if you wouldn’t eat it, don’t give it to your dog, human-rated dog food is popular and meets a certain quality test. The smell test is also good, smell the food to see if it smells like it has nutritional value and not bland smelling like cardboard. Also monitor your dogs’ feces ‘poop’ to see how it looks, generally, if your dog is healthy, good dog food yields healthy feces, which can be a good indicator of the nutritional value of a dogs’ diet.
When you are trying new food with your dog, watch for changes in your dog’s stool, skin and behavior. If a dog appears to be intolerant of a food, don’t assume that the problem is caused by the food’s protein base. Many time’s people switch proteins, but it can be other ingredients causing the intolerance; such as; artificial flavorings, artificial colorings, and preservatives. If your dog is eating kibble and is straining to poop, consider mixing canned food and broth into the kibble to make it easier for your dogs’ digestive system.
Once you’ve selected a dog food, register with the manufacturer, so you are kept informed on any new or updated information on their food. They will need your contact information in case there is a product recall.
If you decide to prepare your dog home-cooked food, be sure to research nutrition and calorie content.
In addition to choosing your dog’s food, you must also decide on a feeding schedule and portion size. Ask your veterinarian’s advice on these topics. You will need to consider the dog’s breed, size, and any medical conditions. “Most Veterinarians recommend feeding adult dogs twice a day. Puppies and some dog breeds may need more frequent feedings.” Source – Dr. Tory Waxman DVM Blog
When it comes to choosing your dog’s portion size, consider their weight and activity level. Discuss portion size with your veterinarian. Also, research portion size online, looking for the advice provided by an un-bias reliable source, preferably use a veterinary’s advice or you can probably monitor this on your own instinct and research. Some of the feeding charts published may suggest feeding your dog more than the appropriate levels, so do your own research and evaluate what you feel your dog does well with, and consult with your veterinary. While you don’t want to underfeed your pet, it’s critical not to overfeed them. Overfeeding dogs causes them to gain weight and leads to a variety of health issues. Lean dogs are more active, healthier, and happier.

Emergency Nutrition to Keep on Hand

It is helpful to keep on hand a supplement to use in the event your dog stops eating. We recommend keeping Ready Cal High-Calorie Supplement for Dogs in your home for emergency use. It is not healthy for a dog to go without eating for a day. The high-calorie supplement can help them get the calories and nutrition that is needed even when they don’t feel well.

Here are just some quality foods that offer good nutrition and have quality ingredients
