How do you treat yourself to protect yourself from, flies, mosquitos, ticks, fleas, insects? This is the same method you can do with your dog. Spray your dog with topical, inspect them after being outside, keep them groomed – bathed. AS A RESPONSIBLE PET OWNER...
Vitamins and Minerals are very important for Optimal Pet Health and there are many options available for these available. We suggest using vitamins that contain limited ingredients and not using Vitamins or Minerals that have artificial food flavorings, artificial...
TAKE THE TIME TO READ ABOUT VACCINES BEFORE MAKING A DECISION ON VACCINATING YOUR PET – Your dog is depending on you to carefully read and evaluate the risk and benefits of each vaccine and how you can do immunology testing thru titer testing. Read and Research...
This is very important to make sure you discuss with your veterinarian considerations of putting your dog on a Heartworm Prevention medicine and to minimize the risk. The singular monthly pill is a good form of preventative medicine (not combined with flea and tick)...
It is good to have a primary care veterinary and a secondary option, in case your primary veterinary is not available during emergency situations, or you need a second opinion or in cases where your primary vet may not be available. You should also understand and do...
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